Internet and Social Media
Online web communities create online meeting places for virtual groups of people with shared personal and / or business interests and allow groups to harness their collective power and knowledge. Symphony Services has experience working with both internal social networking (ISN) for closed groups of people as well as with external social networking (ESN) sites and applications.
Based on our experience in this space, Symphony Services has the ability to address some of the important issues facing clients’ businesses.
- Improving the User Experience: Improving the usability of the site through better web application design as well as through providing relevant content, significantly impacts customer stickiness and the likelihood of a customer preferring your social networking site over the competition’s. A better user interface isn’t just incorporating RIA technologies but requires an understanding of interaction modes, information organization and personalization needs for your user community. Symphony Services User Experience team will help optimize the design and usability of your online presence to increase customer loyalty & stickiness.
- Understanding Your Customers: There is a treasure trove of information about your customers that reside in the clickstream. Symphony Services’ analytics expertise can help you build better intelligence into your site, helping to understand user behavior patterns and consequently make incremental improvements to your site.
- Device Portability: There is an increasing need today to make your social networking capabilities available not just on the web, but also on a variety of devices, including mobile phones, the iPhone and other portable devices. Symphony has built online applications which run seamlessly on multiple such delivery platforms.
- Building microsites: One of the key focus areas for many of our clients is to leverage partnerships and brands to build microsites which target specific interest groups around products and events. Symphony has extensive experience building microsites for a number of online companies.
- Engaging Customers in Dialogue: Symphony Services has expertise in integrating social media technologies like blogs, RSS and community portals to help promote an effective multi-channel dialogue with and between your customers. Our Customer Support services can also improve your customers’ experience.
- Improving the Website Performance, Scalability, Reliability and Availability: Of course nothing sinks a retail site like poor performance or the inability to scale to meet demand at peak loads. Symphony’s PSRA Assessment helps identify weaknesses in your systems architecture and make recommendations to remediate those issues – before your clients do.
Our understanding of what’s driving your business combined with our technical expertise, sole focus on building commercial-grade software and proven ability to deliver for our clients, makes Symphony Services the partner of choice for you. Remember, isn’t IT outsourcing – it’s your business.

"The reason we looked at using the domain experience. It's not just technical talent that is going to make offshore product development work. It's really about bringing in people who can understand a specific domain. We came to the realization that Yahoo! can't do everything, even with a center like Bangalore. Yahoo! has about 200 different products. For us to build expertise and do all the things that we would want is nearly impossible."
Venkat Panchapakesan - CEO, Yahoo! Software Development, INDIAo